Mini Model Show March 9 & 10 2013 at ETJ, GunShyCCTV will cover ...
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Gun Shy
2013-02-22 21:59:02 UTC
Yep, it's that time of the year again, for the Mini Model Engineering Show at EnterTRAINment Junction, in West Chester Ohio, March 9 & 10, 2013.

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The Model Show is FREE to the public, same with the Hobby Shop in the main Mall area, regular admission to go into the train museum and fun house if you choose to do so.

Food and drink is can be had right in the middle of the show floor out in the West Chester Station area.

Link for more data provided below ...



I hope to webcast LIVE on GunShyCCTV on Ustream again as I have the past years, if perhaps only for a half hour to a full hour on both days of the show, I'm think 2 or 3 PM EST each day, but I will announce the targeted time after I do a few tests, and see what will be of the most interest there. Things get crazy with LIVE programs, and to keep things sane, I will post the actual LIVE webcast link in the Barracks Section of the Sixth Division on the days of the Show, as it can take a great deal of time to hit all of the forums at once with updating posts. No slight to any of the other forums, note I will post all of the pictures and extra videos in many forums when the show is done, it's just I have learned to keep things simple during the times of the actual broadcasting. As an upgrade to doing things this year, I hope to be able to roam the whole show floor live, and not be tethered by any cords, but testing will still have to be done.

You can see some of the past reports of the prior shows here on my GunShyCCTV pages at Ustream.



My little shows are not "High Art", just fun little reports about the hobby, but I promise that those that show their work at these shows and let me bring it to you, its in that you will see some real art in 1/6!!

Stay Tuned, GunShyCCTV is on the move again.

Hope to see you at ETJ, March 9 & 10, 2013.
Gun Shy
2013-03-09 05:13:21 UTC
Some quick grabshots during the setup, hope to webcast LIVE at 3PM EST Saturday and Sunday., still working out the kinks.

Meanwhile, enjoy this taste sample of what is at this year's show.

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Stay Tuned

Gun Shy
2013-03-09 05:21:26 UTC
Some quick grabshots during the setup, hope to webcast LIVE at 3PM EST Saturday and Sunday, still working out the kinks.

Meanwhile, enjoy this taste sample of what is at this year's show.















Stay Tuned

Gun Shy
2013-03-10 07:02:09 UTC
I'm thinking sadly the days of easy live broadcasting are over, hence we go back old school with pictures and time limited videos.

Hope to cover the 1/6 part of this show on the last day.

Meanwhile, some shots of the Desert Rats taking a position on a potted plant decoration, and 2 videos of some things in action, and a what a hobby meant to a man in some dark days of his life. Enjoy I hope, you may want to let the videos download completely and then hit play, we will see if you all can work with what I have, sorry the videos have some auto focus problems, but it seems it was my turn to be in the barrel today.

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Gun Shy
2013-03-10 07:05:41 UTC
Well lets try these links for the videos ...


Gun Shy
2013-03-11 04:21:34 UTC
To wrap it up, here are the photos of a good amount of the 1/6 stuff at the show, and a small wrap up video of a couple of cool working items.


Like Zombies!? The Mad Evil Genius Doctor Zorkon does ....

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Should Zombies be a cartoon series? You decide ...

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Team Pledford efforts ...

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You said what Mr. President? ...

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One more boat, working and with lights ...

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Don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing, just ask the Mad Doctor, complete with lots of playing music ...

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Up a tree, as a little girl imagined it ...

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See you next year? Stay Tuned.
